5 easy and effective ways to keep home air clean

Smog, i.e. a mixture of smoke and haze, has become one of the major pollution problems in the country today. This poisonous air produced by vehicle smoke, waste from factories and burning of stubble is not only outside but also inside our homes. methods

Smog outbreak and its effectsMakes an impact. Exposure to smog can increase problems like respiratory diseases, asthma and eye irritation. In such a situation, it becomes necessary that we keep the indoor air clean and healthy.

5 easy ways to keep the air at home clean

  1. use a mop instead of a broom
    By sweeping, dust particles fly into the air in the house, which increases pollution. These days, mop with a wet cloth instead of a broom. This will not only remove dust but also keep the indoor air clean.
  2. keep windows and doors closed
    Keep the windows and doors of the house closed to prevent poisonous outside air from coming inside. Especially during the peak time of smog, take care that the pollutants from outside do not enter inside the house.
  3. plant indoor plants
    Indoor plants like money plant, areca palm, snake plant and aloe vera are very helpful in purifying the air. These plants make the home environment better by filtering pollution particles.
  4. smoke neem leaves
    Neem leaves have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Mix camphor and cloves in it and smoke it in the house. This will make the air bacteria free and the air inside the house will be pure.
  5. Asthma patients should take special care
    Polluted air can be extremely dangerous for patients suffering from asthma and respiratory problems. In such a situation, they should always keep an inhaler with them. Wear a mask even inside the house and follow the doctor’s advice.
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What not to do?

  • Avoid doing any construction work or whitewashing in the house these days.
  • Avoid the use of candles and incense sticks.
  • Do not allow dust to accumulate in the house.
  • Don’t leave windows open.

In this smog season, not only the outside air is dangerous, but the indoor air can also have a deep impact on our health. By adopting these simple measures, we can protect our family and keep the home environment pure. Breathe healthy air, live a healthy life.