King Cobra Mystery Solved-
King Cobra: 188 -year -old mystery resolved, scientists revealed shocking
King Cobra Mystery Solved- King Cobra, the most dangerous and extremely poisonous species of snakes, has always been a subject of research for scientists. Now, in a historical research, scientists have solved the 188 -year -old mystery about King Cobra. This shocking revelations proved that the King Cobra is divided into four different species, not just a species.
The secret of 188 year old king cobra
King Cobra Mystery Solved- King Cobra’s scientific name Ophiophagus Hannah It is, and according to research conducted in the last decades, it was considered the same species. But the recent study changed this notion. In 188 years, a change in the color and physical texture of the King Cobra was seen, which raised the question whether there is only one species of King Cobra or any other fact could be revealed.
Revealed by new study
King Cobra Mystery Solved- A DNA study on King Cobra in 2021 indicated that there may be four different species of King Cobra. Taking forward this research, scientists studied 153 museum samples. Four new species were identified after analyzing the colors of the samples, the number of teeth, the width of the body and other physical characteristics.
Four new species of King Cobra
- Northern king cobra (Ophiophagus Hannah) – This species is found in the upper region of the Himalayas, Eastern India, Myanmar and Indochina. It is identified by yellow stripes and 18 to 21 teeth.
- Sunda King Cobra (Ophiophagus bungarus) – This King Cobra, found in Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Java and parts of the Philippines, is of great size and does not usually contain bands.
- Western Ghats King Cobra (Ophiophagus Kaalinga) – It is found in the Western Ghats of India and there are no black boundaries on the edges of its stripes.
- Luzon King Cobra (Ophiophagus salvatana) – This King Cobra found on the island of Luzon of the Philippines is more angular stripes than other species.
King Cobra: Still among the most poisonous snakes in the world
King Cobra Mystery Solved- King Cobra has a similarity despite these four new species- all these are highly poisonous. King Cobra can leave a large amount of poison at a time, which can kill a person within 15 minutes.
This research will not only clarify the identity of King Cobra for scientists, but it will also help in developing better anti-venam (medicine for the treatment of poison) based on snakes. Experts believe that this is just the beginning and in the coming years we can also get information about the new King Cobra species.
King Cobra Mystery Solved- The new revelation about King Cobra shows how much variety can occur in nature. This research will not only help in identifying snakes, but it will also contribute to us in understanding the ways to identify and avoid the danger. This research certainly makes the secrets of King Cobra even more exciting, and shows a new direction for scientists.