The women’s nursing officer of the district hospital accused two senior doctors of telling double meaning and objectionable jokes

Vijay Singh
3 Min Read


The doctor of Gwalior District Hospital in Madhya Pradesh has been facing serious allegations of dirty talk. This allegation has not been made by any small female employee but by a female nursing officer. On the complaint of the victim women nursing officer, the top officials made the women’s nursing officer free from the post and made General Duty Nurse instead of taking action. Finally, the victim approached the High Court. Seeing the seriousness of the case, the High Court reprimanded the health officers and restored the victim again to the post of Nursing Officer and immediately investigated the case with the sexual harassment committee and directed them to take action.

Senior doctors recite double meaning jokes

The women’s nursing officer of the district hospital has made serious allegations against two senior doctors. The female nursing officer says that two doctors of the district hospital tell them double meaning and objectionable jokes. Many times they touch them with them while on duty. Send songs and objectionable messages on mobile at night. When the women nursing officer complained to the top officials, the officials removed the victim from the post of nursing officer to save the doctors and made General Duty Nurse.

Nursing officer knocked on the door

After this, the victim complained to the Women’s Commission and elsewhere. When concrete action was not taken, then he approached the High Court. The High Court reprimanded the officer in this case on the basis of evidence presented by the victim and immediately restored the victim on the medical officer. Along with this, the sexual harassment committee has been instructed to take immediate action after conducting a fair investigation from the sexual harassment committee.

High court gave instructions

Preeta says that many nurses posted in the district hospital are suffering from harassment. But he is forced to bear everything for the sake of saving his respect and job. Some nurses also complained, but instead of taking action, they were tortured, then everyone sat silently. Civil surgeon Dr. RK Sharma says that after the direction of the High Court, the sexual harassment committee has been handed over the investigation, after 20 days, appropriate action will be taken on the report of the committee.

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