
Farmers of Pakistan and Bangladesh are learning profitable farming from university in Bihar, now visa is not necessary


Internet has been opened so much to the world, divided by the border that a visa is no longer necessary to gain knowledge. From Bihar Agricultural University (Bihar Agriculture University), not only India, farmers from abroad are also learning scientific methods of farming, animal husbandry and bird farming, which will increase earnings and profits. The special thing is that the most Pakistani farmers are among the people from outside people taking Kisani tips from Bihar Agriculture University located in Sabour, Bhagalpur. It has been made possible by the university’s YouTube channel, on which videos related to farming, chicken, quail, goat are constantly coming.

The annual budget of Bihar Agricultural University (BAU) run by the state government is about 620 crores. By opening YouTube channels, the university is not only training farmers around the world, but has also started earning a little. About four and a half million spectators have followed this channel, which has more than 5 crore views on the video so far. RK Sohane, director of the Department of Distance Education of the University, said that this channel has also earned less than 12 lakh rupees.
The new variety of Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour Vijay is beneficial for farmers

He said that the audience of BAU’s YouTube channel includes countries like America, England, Pakistan, Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Nepal. Five people are working in the university’s social media team. The channel’s earnings have begun to make a little compensation for that expenditure. Sohane said that 90 percent of the audience are from India. But Pakistan has the highest number of farmers of the remaining 10 percent people. He is followed by viewers of Nepal, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, America, Bangladesh, Kuwait, Qatar and England respectively. The university also organizes questions and answers on this channel.

University VC Professor DR Singh says that global thinking is needed to promote agriculture. He said- “We are trying to remove the non-equality of information from the publication of the initiatives like Questions and answers with more than 4.47 lakh YouTube viewers, community radio stations, inspiring examples of farming. Not only India, farmers of America, England and Gulf are also taking advantage of this. ”

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